Accessible ICT Design and/or Development

Not all information and communication technology (ICT) we procure or use is pre-built, often called a commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) product. We hire companies to provide design and/or development work.

Design work is sometimes called creative deliverables:

  • online marketing materials, like ad banners or videos
  • website maintenance, like copywriting and graphics design
  • electronic documents, like Microsoft Word and Adobe PDF documents

Development work often includes design but has a general point:

  • develop a marketing or informational website, which may include content pulled from a database
  • develop or customize a component or module on a COTS product.

These must be reviewed for digital accessibility compliance like any other IT procured or used by TAMU-CC. The accessibility review process is different from reviewing COTS products.

Note: This is an ongoing, cyclical process until the university is no longer using the ICT.

Not all areas or elements may be accessible upon launch of the ICT. Ensure a roadmap is in place to address non-compliant items soon. One week after launch? Two weeks? Whatever the plan, the main goal is progress.

If the ICT will not be accessible at launch, an accessibility exception will need to be filed. This needs to include the roadmap showing the work that will continue to improve the digital accessibility compliance of the ICT.