Care & Assistance Services

Care & Assistance provides case management to students within the Dean of Students Office.  Case Managers meet with students to assess current needs, explore options, and connect with resources. They work closely with the Registrar’s Office, Financial Aid, Housing, University Counseling Center, Disability Services, and more. 

Case Managers can: 

  • Connect students to Izzy’s Pantry, Food Swipes, and Student Emergency Financial Aid 
  • Verify absences and provide professor notifications for 3 or more consecutive absences 
  • Help students understand policies and procedures set by the University 
  • Collaborate with students to develop success plans. 

I-CARE Behavioral Intervention Team 

Care & Assistance also leads the I-CARE Behavioral Intervention Team.  The team reviews cases presented by the I-CARE Case Manager regarding students exhibiting disruptive, distressed, or high-risk behaviors.  The team provides recommendations for campus and community resources to help and support the student of concern. To learn more about I-CARE click here. 

Care & Assistance is not designed to handle cases of immediate threats to the safety of the student or others.  In these cases, UPD, or other local emergency services, should be notified directly. 


Care & Assistance maintains the privacy of students except as needed to make referrals or to follow-up on the student discussed. Care & Assistance follows and abides by university policies, including FERPA and Clery Act. 
  • Care & Assistance is obligated to report to the Title IX Coordinator situations of sexual assault, sexual harassment, dating violence, stalking, and discrimination.  
  • Parents and guardians may be contacted if there is permission from the student, a FERPA waiver on file, or if there is a safety concern (i.e. suicide risk or attempt, emergency room evaluation, or a threat to themselves or others). 
  • Care & Assistance may be required to release information in response to a court order, subpoena, or open records request.