Welcome to Care & Assistance!

We appreciate you taking the time to explore ways the Dean of Students team can support you or someone you care about. As Islanders, it is important for us to advocate for ourselves and for one another when we need help.

Case Managers can:

  • Meet with students to assess current needs, explore options, and connect with resources
  • Connect students to Izzy’s Pantry, Meal Swipes, and the Student Emergency Financial Aid Fund
  • Verify absences and provide professor notifications for 3 or more consecutive absences
  • Help students understand policies and procedures set by the University
  • Work closely with the Registrar’s Office, Financial Aid, Housing, University Counseling Center, Disability Services, and more
  • Collaborate with a student to develop an action plan
  • Work with I-CARE, our behavior intervention team

Care & Assistance is not designed to handle cases of immediate threats to the safety of the student or others.  In these cases, UPD, or other local emergency services, should be notified directly.

What to Expect

A student can expect to meet with a case manager for 30 - 45 minutes to review and discuss the details of the situation.  The case manager can provide information on relevant options and may ask for additional information to verify circumstances. There may be times when a student will have more than one meeting to resolve their situation. If a student wants to develop an action plan, there could be several follow-up meetings to review progress.
