Outreach & Prevention Services
The University Counseling Center’s (UCC) Outreach Services focus on increasing student mental health awareness and emotional well-being through prevention, awareness, education and stigma reduction. By getting outside of the Counseling Center and meeting with students in formats or settings that are part the college experience, we connect with students who traditionally would not be likely to seek counseling services. These might include students who don’t know about the Counseling Center, are uncomfortable with the idea of using services due to mental health stigma, need support but not counseling or just need information about helping a distressed friend. We also partner with other campus departments and groups to contribute to events and programs which foster wellness.
Visit our I-Engage page to see the UCC’s current calendar of events.
Suicide Prevention
Suicide prevention is an important initiative on college campuses across the country. It is important to know what to do if you, a friend, a family member, a co-worker, or a classmate is having a crisis or thoughts of suicide. The short video below covers the warning signs that someone is in distress, and what you can do to help.
Several FREE trainings geared at helping TAMU-CC students, faculty, and staff recognize depression and prevent suicide are available.
A 60-90 minute training during which participants learn to recognize the warning signs of suicide and how to intervene and help someone who is depressed or suicidal by using the three steps of QPR (question, persuade, refer).
Contact I-SPEAK Graduate Assistant jschroeder4@islander.tamucc.edu to schedule a QPR Training for your department or for information about upcoming scheduled QPR trainings open to all faculty and staff.
Kognito On-Line Training for Students
An interactive 40 minute training that coaches students on
how to recognize and talk to an emotionally distressed peer who might be struggling with suicidal thoughts and refer them to campus support services. After completing the training, students can download a certificate of completion. To access the training, click here (Kognito) For more information about scheduling a Kognito orientation presentation for your class or student organization, contact I-SPEAK Graduate Assistant Maike Holleck mholleck@islander.tamucc.edu.
Suicide Prevention
Suicide prevention is an important initiative on college campuses across the country. It is important to know what to do if you, a friend, a family member, or a classmate is having a crisis or thoughts of suicide. This short video covers the warning signs that someone is in distress, and what you can do to help.