August Congratulations to Skylar Meehan for completing her Master's in Coastal and Marine System Science and graduating.  Skylar's defended her thesis on "Coastal Karst Groundwater Dynamics: A Geochemical Analysis of the Yucatán's Karst Aquifer Vulnerability" in July. Skylar has accepted a position as a hydrologist at the Texas Water Development Board.

Skylar Meehan

May-August CWSS welcomed several SURF REU students for the summer. The students engaged in multidisciplinary research with the Center labs that focuses on current critical topics, such as climate change, coastal and oceanographic environmental issues, water resource management, biodiversity loss, and sustainable development.  The students presented the projects they worked on over the summer to the faculty, staff, and students from all REU labs.

Murgulet Lab REU students Ahmed Lab REU student Felix Lab REU student

April Congratulations! Kaiya Shealy successfully defended her MS thesis on "NOx Source Apportionment and Oxidation Chemistry in a Coastal Urban Airshed Using Stable Isotope Techniques". She will be starting a PhD program in Chemical Engineering at Texas A&M University-College Station in the fall.

Headshot of Kaiya Shealy

February Dr. Felix is initiating an NSF funded REU program this summer titled "Summer Undergraduate Research Focus (SURF): Anthropogenic Impacts on Coastal and Marine Systems". Applications close 3/15/2024. Program Link: 

January PUBLICATION ANNOUNCEMENT: The Murgulet Hydro Lab published a paper titled "Nitrogen and carbon cycling and relationships to radium behavior in porewater and surface water: Insights from a dry year sampling in a hypersaline estuary" in the journal Marine Chemistry.

Graphical Abstract showing nutrient cycling in a shallow estuary

January CWSS students, Ifeanyi Anyanwu, Laura Button, and Allyson Girard start their NRT STAGES training. Congratulations and good luck with your traineeship!

Ifeanyi Emmanuel Anyanwu photo Laura Button in lab Allyson Girard standing in front of the Orbitrap-MS