About Staff Council

To Make TAMU-CC a Better Place to Work, Staff Council...

  • Serves as an advisory body to university leadership
  • Acts as a voice on matters that affect the welfare of the university
  • Fosters and enhances communication between staff and the broader campus community
  • Nominates members to serve on university-wide committees
  • Discusses issues involving university rules and procedures
  • Recognizes staff contributions to the mission of the university as well as excellence in service
  • Actively participates in developing and promoting university activities and programs
  • Builds a sense of community on the TAMU-CC campus

Staff Council Bylaws

A guiding principle of sound governance among people of reason and goodwill is a mutual regard for one another. Such regard is manifested in the sharing of information and advice among representatives of the entire campus community on all matters of mutual concern. In this spirit the Staff Council, through its elected representatives, shall advise, consults with and makes recommendations to the executive officers of Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi.

Staff Council Bylaws