Course content

ENGR4390 Special topic Internet of Things (IoT): Devices and Communication

Topic 1

IoT concepts, technologies, devices, sensors

Topic 2

IoT technical requirements, communication protocols, cybersecurity, platforms

Topic 3

IoT data flow through communication protocols

Topic 4

Data access across IoT platforms and devices

Topic 5

Recent advances in IoT (literature review, oral presentations)

Topic 6

Hands-on mini labs
(KeySight IoT Kit + Manual)

Topic 7

Developing an IoT solution
(KeySight IoT Kit + Manual)

Topic 8

Performing data analytics
(KeySight IoT Kit + Manual) 

Topic 9

Data visualization in the cloud
(KeySight IoT Kit + Manual)

Topic 10

Sensor data fusion and visualization in the cloud
(KeySight IoT Kit + Manual)

Topic 11

Final Project (proposal, progress report, final report, and presentations)

Course Learning Objectives for the Internet of Things (IoT)

Objective 1: Analyze IoT Systems

Description: Students will critically analyze a range of IoT technologies, devices, and communication protocols, identifying their applications, limitations, and associated cybersecurity challenges. Students will investigate existing IoT systems at the system, subsystem and component level

Assessment: Written analysis and presentation based on case studies covered in Topics 1-5.

Objective 2: Design and Implement IoT Solutions

Description: Students will design, implement, and troubleshoot IoT solutions using IoT kits, focusing on the integration of hardware and software to address specified needs.

Assessment: Series of lab assignments leading to the design and implementation of a functional IoT system, covered from Topics 6, and 7.

Objective 3: Perform Data Analytics on IoT Data

Description: Students will apply statistical and machine learning techniques to perform data analytics on datasets collected from IoT devices, using cloud platforms for data visualization.

Assessment: Analysis report and a real-time data visualization project, encompassing concepts from Topic 8.

Objective 4: Develop IoT Systems integrated with Communication Protocols

Description: Students will develop a system with comprehensive IoT data flow capabilities that ensures seamless communication across IoT platforms and devices, that is capable of multi-sensor data fusion, while maintaining data integrity and security.

Assessment: Practical examination and project demonstration, with emphasis on system integration, visualization, and data management (Topics 9, 10)

Objective 5: Practical Comprehensive IoT Projects

Description: Students will integrate the skills and knowledge acquired throughout the course to plan, execute, and present a comprehensive IoT-based project that addresses a real-world problem.

Assessment: Capstone project involving all course elements, culminating in an oral presentation and a technical report, as outlined in the final weeks of the course schedule (Topic 11).