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Baxter, A.S. 2018. Physiological stress and genetic differences in diamondback terrapin in the Coastal Bend. Final report to Coastal Bend Bays & Estuaries Program.
Zimba, P.V., Hill, E.M., and Withers, K. 2016. Benthic microalgae serve as the major food resource for porcelain crabs (Petrolisthes spp.) in oyster reefs: Digestive track content and pigment evidence. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 483: 53-58.
Hill, E.M., Tunnell, J.W., and Nicolau, B.A. 2015. Spatial and temporal effects of the Rincon Bayou Pipeline on hypersaline conditions in the Lower Nueces Delta, Texas, USA. Texas Water Journal, 6(1): 11-32.
Baxter, A.S., Hill, E.M. and Withers, K. 2013. Population assessment of Texas diamondback terrapin (Malaclemys terrapin littoralis) in the Nueces Estuary, Texas. Texas Journal of Science, 65(3): 51-63.
Hill, E.M., Nicolau, B.A., and Zimba, P.V. 2011. History of water and habitat improvement in the Nueces Estuary, Texas, USA. Texas Water Journal, 2(1): 97-111.
Tunnell Jr, J.W. 2010. History of the Center for Coastal Studies, Texas A&M University–Corpus Christi. Gulf of Mexico Science, 28(1-2): 42-55.
Montagna, P.A., Hill, E.M., and Moulton, B. 2009. Role of science-based and adaptive management in allocating environmental flows to the Nueces estuary, Texas. Ecosystems and Sustainable Development VII, 122: 559-570.
Hill, E.M., and Lehman, R.L. 2008. Algal community structure of the East and West Flower Gardens, northwestern Gulf of Mexico. Texas Journal of Science, 60(3): 201-214.
Discovery of a novel Bacteriophage.