Teacher Certification

Teacher Certification in Theatre Arts (Grades Early Childhood - 12)

All students seeking certification in Theatre Arts should select a Theatre faculty advisor to help them choose appropriate courses and co-curricular activities. Students certifying to teach in Theatre will be required to perform in at least one University Theatre performance and to work design/technical crew in at least one production. A student may receive course credit for working on a theatre production.

For information on required professional development courses and other teacher certification requirements, please see the College of Education section of the catalogue. Students should also consult the Certification Office of the College of Education for complete and current information about teacher certification requirements.To qualify to take the TExES (Texas Examinations of Educator Standards), in the field of Theatre, students must meet the following criteria: 1 Make pre-specified acceptable scores on TExES practice tests, or departmental equivalent, and participate in practice text review and analysis session.

Provide official permit with signature of Program Coordinator or designated person for each teaching field on the student’s certification plan.