Multicultural Greek Council (MGC)

About MGC

The Multicultural Greek Council is the umbrella organization for historically founded Multicultural, African American, Latino(a) and Asian Greek letter organizations at TAMU-CC. The council serves as the governing body of these organizations whose sole purpose is to promote community service, social activities, co-sponsor education and cultural forms, and promote awareness through involvement in the local community.

MGC activities include programming university events: attending BIG Event, Islander Clean, Homecoming, philanthropies, and programming MGC events: MGC: Welcome to the Family, MGC socials, and MGC Awards Night. MGC Fraternities and Sororities provide a great opportunity for women and men to grow and develop.

How do I join?

The Multicultural Greek Council conducts a Recruitment Week when students return to campus in the fall and in the spring semesters. Recruitment Week is an open process, where women and men have the chance to meet the chapters that interest them over the course of the recruitment period. During this time, MGC will organize various programs to give interested students the opportunity to meet all chapters. As well as, most chapters will host their own events, social activities, and informational meetings to give students the opportunity to get to know the individual organization. At the conclusion of recruitment, MGC organizations will invite the interested students into their own individual processes.

What are the benefits of joining?

The MGC experience focuses on leadership, academics, community service, and involvement in the university. Being involved in an MGC organization gives a student the opportunity to join a larger community oriented network with united goals and purposes that provides support.