Research Misconduct

"Advances in science, engineering and all fields of research depend on the reliability of the research record, as do benefits associated with them in areas such as health and national security. Sustained public trust in the research enterprise requires confidence in the research record and in the processes involved in its ongoing development."

(Office of Science and Technology Policy—OSTP, Federal Record,12/6/09).

Academic research, scholarship and creative work must be conducted under the highest standards of honesty and integrity, and all data, primary sources, procedures and findings should be properly and thoroughly documented. The credibility and long-term reputation of the faculty and staff of each member depend on the encouragement, enforcement and reward of superior ethical standards. Achieving high ethical standards should transcend considerations of finance, personal gain and short-term individual and institutional recognition.

The government has adopted specific laws and regulations concerning research misconduct. It is the responsibility of those involved in research to become familiar with the procedures so that they know what to do if misconduct is observed and so they can be vigilant of their own behavior.