2023 Promotion and Tenure

TO: Islander Faculty and Staff 
SUBJECT: 2023 Promotion and Tenure 

Dear Islander Faculty and Staff, 

It is my honor to share with you the recent approvals made by the Board of Regents regarding promotion and tenure of our faculty and librarians. 

Promotion and Tenure

Receiving tenure is both a privilege and an honor, as it is one of the most important decisions in the development of an outstanding faculty. This achievement signifies that the campus community believes the individual will continue to make significant, long-term contributions in the areas of teaching, scholarship, and service. Promotion to the rank of associate professor is a recognition of the maturity and experience of a faculty member’s professional success as they increase their leadership within the academic profession. Promotion to the rank of professor is the highest achievement a faculty member can earn. Professors are the leaders of our academic community. They set the bar for excellence and actively work to help others meet that bar.

Please join President Miller and me in congratulating the following faculty members for receiving promotion and/or tenure:

College of Business

Faculty receiving promotion and tenure:

  • Dr. Oliver Cruz-Milan, Associate Professor of Marketing
  • Dr. Hsiao-Tang Hsu, Associate Professor of Accounting
  • Dr. Yu Shan Huang, Associate Professor of Marketing
  • Dr. Dimitrios Koutmos, Associate Professor of Finance 

College of Education and Human Development

Faculty receiving promotion:

  • Dr. Mikaela Boham, Professor of Athletic Training
  • Dr. Mark Hughes, Associate Clinical Professor of Teacher Preparation
  • Dr. Misty Kesterson, Senior Clinical Professor of Kinesiology & Sport Management
  • Dr. Phyllis Robertson, Professor of Special Education
  • Dr. Michele Staples, Associate Clinical Professor of Teacher Preparation

Faculty receiving promotion and tenure:

  • Dr. James Ikonomopoulos, Associate Professor of Counseling & Educational Psychology
  • Dr. David Squires, Associate Professor of Instructional Design & Educational Technology

 College of Engineering

Faculty receiving promotion:

  • Dr. Minhua Huang, Associate Professional Professor of Computer Science
  • Dr. Hongzhi Song, Associate Professional Professor of Coastal & Marine System Science
  • Dr. Michael Starek, Professor of Geospatial Systems Engineering
  • Dr. Mamta Yadav, Associate Professional Professor of Computer Science

College of Liberal Arts

Faculty receiving promotion:

  • Mr. Joe Peña, Professor of Art
  • Dr. Wendi Pollock, Professor of Criminal Justice

Faculty receiving promotion and tenure:

  • Dr. Adam Costanzo, Associate Professor of History
  • Dr. Kevin Kearns, Associate Professor of Political Science
  • Ms. Meredith Melville, Associate Professor of Theatre
  • Dr. Thomas Oldham, Associate Professor of Theatre
  • Dr. Isla Schuchs Carr, Associate Professor of Public Administration
  • Dr. Yuliana Zaikman, Associate Professor of Psychology

College of Science

Faculty receiving promotion:

  • Dr. Xinping Hu, Professor of Chemistry
  • Dr. Lei Jin, Professor of Statistics
  • Dr. Valeriu Murgulet, Associate Professional Professor of Geology
  • Dr. Feiqin Xie, Professor of Atmospheric Sciences

Faculty receiving promotion and tenure:

  • Dr. Mohamed Ahmed, Associate Professor of Geophysics

Mary and Jeff Bell Library

Faculty receiving promotion:

  • Mr. Derrik Hiatt, Senior Faculty Librarian
  • Ms. Lisa Louis, Senior Faculty Librarian 


Clarenda M. Phillips, PhD
Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs