Interfolio Launch

TO: Islander Faculty
SUBJECT: Interfolio Launch

Greetings Islander Faculty,

As you are aware, TAMU-CC is implementing Interfolio to replace Digital Measures, and we truly appreciate the support you have given this important project. We are happy to report that a pilot group of faculty has reviewed the migration and are quite pleased with the ease of use and the detail and quality of the data migration from Digital Measures. 

Beginning December 1, 2021, the first phase of the implementation is available for everyone.  This includes the migration of data into Faculty Activity Reporting (FAR)/Faculty 180, an online faculty reporting system used for accreditation and self-service analytics. Faculty Activity Reporting/Faculty 180 provides a central repository for teaching, scholarship, and service contributions as well as vita templates and other information.

Each faculty member will receive an individual Dossier account.  This is a private account to help you collect and manage materials for your professional reviews.

Review, Promotion, Tenure (RPT), an online collaboration platform that provides customizable tools to manage all the documents, workflows, data, committees, communication, and outcomes associated with review-based academic decisions will be available for each college contact to prepare for upcoming review, promotion & tenure activity.

The next phase of the project, already in progress and nearing completion, will include the migration of documents (Course Evaluations and Annual Review files) from Digital Measures to Faculty Activity Reporting (FAR) and the Interfolio integration with ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor ID) that will allow faculty to identify and incorporate scholarly contributions into FAR.

Thank you in advance for your support. As always, please feel free to reach out if you have any questions or feedback.

Thank you,

Clarenda M. Phillips, PhD
Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs