Frequently Asked Questions

Anytime, Anywhere Access to Work Remotely

Technology Access

Please be aware that hardware purchases may have longer than usual lead time as manufacturer supply chains are overwhelmed due to COVID-19.

Course Technology Needs

Students with technology needs for classes should raise the concerns through their faculty member/course instructor who can follow-up with the Division of Information Technology for assistance.

Software Access

Division of Information Technology is collaborating with faculty members and vendors in an effort to provide access to software required for classes.  If specific software is needed, please request by emailing including details around the software and courses it is needed for.  Please note that IT covers campus-wide software purchases like Microsoft Office, etc. and departments may have to cover software that is not used campus-wide.

Home computer purchases

Computers may be personally purchased through university discounts for home use at the following sites:

Departmental Internet Access

University departments may purchase MIFIs/mobile hotspots to use for business continuity purposes. Information Technology coordinates these orders on departmental funds.

Service through Verizon does not require a long-term contract. Recurring monthly costs ($37.99/month); prorated costs during initial month setup. No initial setup fee is incurred if ordering from university contract.

To initiate a purchase, the department should send an email to the IT Service Desk ( with the following information:

  1. Designate request as high priority
  2. State “needed for remote work due to COVID-19”
  3. Department Name
  4. Authorized Business Contact, i.e. Business Coordinator (phone number and email address)
  5. Include university account to be charged
  6. Requested date device is needed

Internet Services

Available For: Faculty, Staff