The 24th Annual Awards Celebration was held virtually on October 29.
- Nearly 200 employees were recognized for their service. The vast majority of service pin recipients received 5 and 10 year pins. Just over 60 employees received 15 – 30 year service pins. The 40-Year Service pin went to Diana Ybanez, Delivery Specialist III, in University Services. .
2020 Service Pin Recipients
- Faculty and Staff Excellence Winners were announced.
- The inaugural Interdivisional Collaboration Award was presented to the team that included individuals from Academic Affairs and Student Engagement for their work on “Adulting 101 & Campus Conversations.”
- The Parade of Achievers recognized 43 employees who received degrees this past year. Congratulations to all of our award recipients.
- Service pins were delivered to Dean and Directors for distribution to employees.
Ceremony Recordings