Faculty Senate

Purpose or Function: The Faculty Senate is an elected body of faculty members. As an advising and recommending body, the Faculty Senate reports to the President or the President’s designee. The Senate is the faculty’s body for university-wide participation in the governance of the institution.

Membership:  The Senate is composed of four (4) senators from each academic college/school and two (2) senators from the Mary and Jeff Bell Library. Senators are elected for two-year staggered terms, with no senator serving more than two (2) successive terms. Qualifications are explained in the Faculty Senate Constitution.  The immediate past Faculty Senate Speaker, the Provost & Vice President for Academic Affairs, Associate Provost, Associate Vice President for Student Success, Academic and Administrative Compliance Manger, Faculty Ombuds, and Chief Information Officer, and Staff Council Vice President are standing ex-officio, non-voting members of the Senate.

Faculty Senate committees include: Executive Committee, Academic Affairs Committee, Faculty Affairs Committee, Committee on Committees, Awards/Bylaws/Election Committee, and Budget Analysis Committee.  Committee elections are held annually, and the current members are listed on Faculty Senate's webpage: https://www.tamucc.edu/faculty/faculty-senate/index.php.

Presiding Officer (Chair): Speaker of the Faculty Senate (elected annually by the membership)

Responsible University Official: Provost & Vice President for Academic Affairs

Faculty Senate Members
Name Unit Represented Term End
Isla Schuchs-Carr College of Liberal Arts (Speaker)

April 30, 2025

Scott Johnson College of Liberal Arts (Deputy Speaker)

April 30, 2025

Ahmed Kamara

College of Business

April 30, 2026

Matthew Starliper College of Business

April 30, 2025

Rabih Zeidan College of Business

April 30, 2025

Sandy Huang College of Business

April 30, 2026

James Ikonomopoulos

College of Education and Human Development

April 30, 2026

Jeanine Birdwell College of Education and Human Development

April 30, 2025

Ric Ricard

College of Education and Human Development

April 30, 2026

Robin Pizzitola College of Education and Human Development

April 30, 2025

Alihan Hadimlioglu College of Engineering and Computer Science

April 30, 2026

Taoran Ji College of Engineering and Computer Science

April 30, 2026

Tianxing Chu College of Engineering and Computer Science

April 30, 2025

Zhaorui Li College of Engineering and Computer Science

April 30, 2025

Dale Pattison College of Liberal Arts

April 30, 2026

Mara Barbosa College of Liberal Arts

April 30, 2026

Cathy Harrel

College of Nursing and Health Sciences

April 30, 2026

Felix Omoruyi College of Nursing and Health Sciences

April 30, 2026

Leigh Shaver College of Nursing and Health Sciences

April 30, 2025

Miguel Perez College of Nursing and Health Sciences

April 30, 2025

Cherie McCollough College of Science

April 30, 2025

Ed Proffitt College of Science

April 30, 2026

Judy Metcalf College of Science

April 30, 2026

Valeriu Murgulet College of Science

April 30, 2025

Jennifer Anderson Mary and Jeff Bell Library

April 30, 2025

Lori Podolsky Mary and Jeff Bell Library

April 30, 2026

Brian Shelton School of Arts, Media, & Communication

April 30, 2025

Kevin Loeffler School of Arts, Media, & Communication

April 30, 2026

Susan De Ghize School of Arts, Media, & Communication

April 30, 2026

Tom Oldham School of Arts, Media, & Communication

April 30, 2025

Catherine Rudowsky

Provost & Vice President for Academic Affairs (ex-officio-Interim)


Susan Murphy

Associate Provost - Interim (ex-officio)


Kevin Houlihan

Academic and Administrative Compliance Manager (ex-officio)


David Ramcharan

Chief Information Officer (ex-officio)


Deborah Sibila

Faculty Ombuds (ex-officio)


Stephaine Long

Staff Council Vice President (ex-officio)


 Last Updated: 07/25/2024