Texas A & M Corpus Christi
Flexible Work Arrangements Guide
The purpose of this guide is to set forth the Texas A&M Uuniversity-Corpus Christi’s (University) philosophy and administrative framework for a telework program.
The telework guidelines and process shall apply to positions deemed telework eligible and to supervisors and employees in approved telework arrangements. The University may deem certain positions as telework positions. An employee may also request telework. No employee is guaranteed the opportunity to telework. The employee and supervisor will utilize the Telework Assessment and Checklist to determine if the job and the employee are appropriate for teleworking. The supervisor has full discretion to deny a TAMU-CC Flexible Work Arrangement if they deem it inappropriate.
TAMU-CC Flexible Work Arrangements do not change the conditions of employment or required compliance with Texas A&M University System (TAMUS) policies and regulations or University rules and procedures. Employees approved for telework must comply with all applicable TAMUS policies and regulations and University rules and procedures, in addition to any department-specific procedures at all times.
Salaries and benefits shall not change because an employee is performing telework.
To be approved for telework, an employee must be able to perform their essential job functions from an alternate work location. Telework will only be approved if the needs of internal and external customers can be satisfied without adverse impact to the University.
Employees approved for telework and their supervisor must participate in training and evaluation efforts.
Alternate work locations should be based within the United States due to legal and tax implications. H1B employees and their managers must report changes in work location to the Human Resources Immigration Coordinator PRIOR to starting work at the new location. Alternate work locations outside of the United States require additional review and must be approved in writing by the University President and if over 60 days, System Office of General Counsel.
Current on campus employees seeking to telework must have meets or exceeds expectations on a recent performance evaluation. Both current and new employees are expected to meet or exceed performance expectations throughout Telework.
- Be familiar with the telework policy.
- Ensure that teleworkers are cross-trained as support for internal processes.
- Ensure there is fair and equitable treatment of all teleworkers regardless of telework status.
- Be consistent with telework supervision.
- Learn the technology and tools necessary for telework supervision.
- Attend training that pertains to telework and telework management.
- Establish communication protocols with teleworkers.
- Promote the University’s values, even when the teleworker is not on campus.
- Review each teleworker periodically to ensure compliance with the TAMU-CC Flexible Work Arrangement and address any work-related issues.
- Ensure that the Teleworker service and deliverables to both internal and external customers can be satisfied without adverse impact to the University.
- Maintain an office space for positions that have a temporary duty point off campus.
Teleworker must be up to date with all University-required trainings in order to remain eligible for telework (Required Training for Employees and Affiliates).
Teleworker must participate in telework training to become familiar with teleworking guidelines. Supervisors must complete telework supervisor training. The trainings will focus on the University’s telework policy and best practices to empower the teleworker.
Professionalism, work output, and customer service must continue to meet the University’s high standards of service excellence.
University performance evaluation requirements remain the same regardless of whether the teleworker is working on campus or performing telework. Supervisor’s methods of monitoring and assessing performance should be appropriate for the work performed remotely. The supervisor and teleworker should formulate objectives, expected results, and evaluation procedures for work completed while the employee is performing telework. As is best practice, the supervisor and teleworker should meet at regular intervals to review the teleworker’s performance.
Teleworkers and supervisors should develop an effective communications strategy.
Consider whether to establish scheduled times when the teleworker may be available to internal and external customers. It is the responsibility of the employee performing telework to stay current on University and department events.
Teleworkers should be reachable (within reason) during agreed upon hours, notify their supervisor if they leave their alternate work location during agreed upon hours, answer the telephone at the alternate work location during business hours, and return calls and emails promptly.
The University provides a variety of communication platforms for all employees to utilize both on campus and at alternate work locations. For more information, please visit https://it.tamucc.edu/. Other technologies are available to find the most productive way to stay in touch with colleagues while performing telework.
The University is not responsible for installation or ongoing service fees for telephone or internet access at an alternate work location.
Telework is generally performed during assigned work hours for a specific number of days per week. If space is not available within the department, teleworkers can schedule office time to access facilities by submitting a Hoteling Request Form to attend events and meet with their supervisor, external customers, and internal customers.
Telework does not change the number of hours a teleworker is expected to work. Any changes in work hours must be approved in advance by the supervisor, including requests for overtime (31.01.09.C0.01) or leave.
If the teleworker is unable to work due to illness, they must inform their supervisor. Leave-eligible teleworkers must use sick leave. Non-leave eligible teleworkers cannot submit hours for the time they are sick.
Telework is not intended to be used in place of sick leave, family and medical leave, or any other type of leave. However, with approval, telework may be used as partial or full return to work following an illness or injury.
A teleworker’s schedule or participation in the telework program may be altered or revoked at any time due to new or modified job tasks or workload needs.
It is the teleworker’s responsibility to ensure that time sheets and other periodic reporting forms are turned in by the required deadlines.
Teleworkers should be included in office/department meetings and events to enhance teamwork. Weekly face-to-face meetings to discuss work progress and problems may be scheduled, if appropriate.
No employees performing telework will be allowed to hold business meetings at the alternate work location.
In the case of a campus closure where employees are unable to work on campus, but the teleworker can continue working at the alternate work location (for example, a power outage on campus), the teleworker shall continue to work remotely. If the University closes due to a non-emergency reason, ex: early release for holidays, teleworkers are excused from working.
A teleworker must notify their immediate supervisor in the event of any emergency that impacts their ability to work remotely from the alternate work location. In a case where an emergency such as a power failure prevents work at the alternate work location, the manager should contact Human Resources regarding emergency leave. The teleworker may be excused from working or may be required to report to campus as instructed by the supervisor.
Employees performing telework should manage dependent care and personal responsibilities in a way that allows them to successfully meet job responsibilities.
Telework is not designed to be a replacement for appropriate child or elder care. Although an individual employee’s schedule may be modified to accommodate childcare needs, as agreed upon with the supervisor, the focus of telework must remain on job performance and meeting business demands. Employees considering telework are encouraged to discuss expectations of telework with family members prior to signing an agreementtTAMU-CC Flexible Work Arrangement.
An employee performing telework with a sick child should use sick leave for that portion of the day when not working and caring for the child.
An employee performing telework is responsible for establishing and maintaining an adequate and professional workspace and for providing a work environment free of interruptions and distractions that would affect work performance.
The employee performing telework must set up and maintain a work area in a safe and ergonomically correct way as detailed on the University’s Environmental, Health and Safety website. The employee performing telework shall designate a workspace within the alternate work location for placement and installation of equipment to be used while teleworking. The employee will be responsible for all costs associated with remodeling, electrical modifications, and/or other permanent improvements to the approved alternate work location. The employee is also responsible for providing furniture and other equipment for the approved alternate work location. In general, the University will not reimburse employees performing telework for the purchase of special equipment or software to support telework.
Supervisors must be immediately notified of any injury while working.
Employees performing telework are required to maintain the same security procedures at their alternate work location that they employ on campus, including the use of locked file cabinets, locked disk boxes, password maintenance, and any other appropriate security measures.
Any University materials taken to a telework location should be kept in a designated and secure work area and not be made accessible to others. Refer to the Information Technology Standards for All Users.
The Division of Information Technology (DoIT) provides remote support for most technology. Contact the IT Service Desk for assistance. In the event technology problems cannot be resolved remotely, technology may need to be returned to campus for further troubleshooting or repair at the expense of the teleworker’s department. TAMU-CC is not responsible for troubleshooting issues with personal equipment or network devices in the employee’s home.
It is the department’s responsibility to provide specific tools and equipment for the employee performing telework to perform their current duties. This may include computer hardware, software, voicemail, email, and other applicable equipment as deemed necessary. The use of equipment, software, and other University property for use at the alternate work location is limited to authorized persons and for purposes relating to University business. It is the department’s role and responsibility to repair university equipment.
Employees performing telework should protect against damage to University property at the alternate work location. Surge protectors should be used with the University’s computers.
All University property used by the employee performing telework is to be returned to the University in good working condition when the teleworker ceases to telework.
The employee performing telework should sign an Off Campus Check Out Form for all University property provided to the employee for telework purposes. The employee performing telework should have all equipment, as established in the tTelework aagreementTAMU-CC Flexible Work Arrangement, in place and tested prior to beginning telework.
The employee performing telework is the sole user of University property (e.g., equipment, software, supplies, etc.) purchased or maintained by the University, and must not attempt to access any University information resource or data for which they do not have authorization or explicit consent. With the sole exception of the incidental uses described in Section 5 of 29.01.03.C2.02 Acceptable Use policy, users must use University information resources only for legitimate University business-related or academic research-related purposes.
If any equipment that is used for conducting official university business is lost or stolen, the teleworker must notify their supervisor as it may temporarily impact their ability to perform and to evaluate any potential loss or compromise of data. In the case of University-owned equipment their department’s accountable property officer and the proper police authorities should be notified as well.
The University’s DoIT will be responsible for all equipment, maintenance, and security access. Support and necessary training related to University equipment and software at the alternate work location is performed remotely and via telephone consultation. No offsite technical support will be provided for employee-owned equipment. The teleworker may be required to bring University equipment to a designated repair site for repairs.
Departmental Accountable Property Officer will keep track of the present location of all University equipment used for teleworking by noting the location in the University’s equipment inventory database. Teleworker must complete and file the Off-Campus Property Use Permit form.
Teleworker salary, benefits, workers’ compensation, leave entitlements, insurance, travel reimbursements shall not change due to telework.
Telework will not adversely affect a teleworker’s eligibility for advancement.
TAMUS Policies and regulations and University rules and procedures shall apply at the telework location, including those governing communicating internally and with the public, employee rights and responsibilities, facilities and equipment management, financial management, information resource management, purchasing of property and services, and safety. Failure to follow policy rules and procedures may result in termination of the telework arrangement and/or disciplinary action.
A TAMU-CC Flexible Work Arrangement does not constitute a promise of employment for a specified time or otherwise alter the at-will nature of employment with the University. Employees performing telework can be terminated at any time in accordance with applicable TAMUS Policies and Regulations.
Employees under a TAMU-CC Flexible Work Arrangement may be required to forfeit use of an on-campus office location, workstation, or parking space in favor of a shared arrangement in order to maximize the University’s office and parking space needs.
The University has Hoteling options that can be used by employees performing telework when needed on campus. Arrangements can be made by submitting a Hoteling Request Form to the scheduling office. The hoteling stations are located at University Services Center, 1st floor and may be reserved based on availability.
Should an employee performing telework need to come to campus, it is the department’s responsibility to make temporary work space arrangements. Additionally, parking is available. Please visit the parking website learn more about those options.
It is the employee’s responsibility to provide and keep their alternate work location address updated in WorkDay. This will ensure that the appropriate tax deductions are applied.
- Alternate work locations outside the United States are not permitted without approval from the University President.
- It is the employee’s responsibility to determine any income tax implications associated with telework. The University cannot provide tax guidance, nor will it assume any tax liability.
The TAMU-CC Flexible Work Arrangement may be canceled by the supervisor at any time. Employees will be provided with 14 days’ notice where feasible. Notice must be provided in writing.
Reasons for termination of the TAMU-CC Flexible Work Arrangement may include but are not limited to the following: Unsatisfactory work performance, adverse impact on group’s productivity, changes in the requirements of the job, telework arrangement is not meeting established goals, failure to follow rules listed in the TAMU-CC Flexible Work Arrangement, failure to comply with policies and procedures, continuation would not be in the best interest of the University, or another business-related reason. In addition, TAMU-CC Flexible Work Arrangements can also be terminated without a stated reason.
Unless the telework is a condition of employment, an employee may terminate his or her participation in a telework arrangement at any time, for any reason, upon written notice to his or her supervisor. The teleworker shall provide 14 days’ notice unless a shorter time is agreed upon by the teleworker and supervisor.
A department requesting to telework will need to submit a telework plan and include a departmental communication plan outlining how service excellence will continue with internal campus and external partners as well as other topics outlined in the Telework Guide. The department telework plan will be submitted for review by Human Resources who will then route the plan for appropriate Vice President for approval and President approval, where applicable. All employees within the department will be required to fill out a TAMU-CC Flexible Work Arrangements and their Position Description in WorkDay will be updated to include that the position is a telework position.
Departments under a TAMU-CC Flexible Work Arrangement may be required to forfeit use of an on-campus office location, workstation, or parking space in favor of a shared arrangement in order to maximize the university’s office and parking space needs. Any new hires to the department will be required to telework.