SUCCESS II Management Team


Dulal C. Kar, Ph.D.
Office: CI 321
Phone: (361) 825-5878

Director Dr. Dulal Kar has the overall responsibility for project administration, project data collection, analysis, and reporting. Dr. Kar is also responsible for recruitment, selection, and mentoring activities as well as for coordination and management of SUCCESS II activities for the students and the management team.


David Bridges, Ph.D.
Office: RFEB 222E
Phone: (361) 825-2181

Co-Director Dr. David Bridges is responsible for the selection, recruitment, and mentoring activities for Engineering scholars. Dr. Bridges has over 29 years of experience as a faculty member. Since 2015, he has been the Chair of the Department of Engineering and has played a key role in curriculum development and in maintaining ABET accreditation of the programs in the Department of Engineering.


Mamta Yadav, Ph.D.
Office: CI 320
Phone: (361) 825-2688

Co-Director Dr. Mamta Yadav is responsible for the logistical operations of the project, including serving as the primary logistics contact with students, tutors, and counselors; coordinating with the student support services key personnel; and ensuring that the students who are not performing adequately in their classes receive the tutoring, coaching, and counseling necessary to succeed. Dr. Yadav has extensive experience in the recruitment of undergraduate students as she is actively involved with the First Year Learning Community Program (FYLCP) for computer sciences.

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Dugan Um, Ph.D.
Office: RFEB 207A
Phone: (361)825-3381

Co-Director Dr. Dugan Um is responsible for directing the recruitment, selection, and mentoring activities of Engineering Scholars. After receiving his Ph.D. from the University of Wisconsin at Madison, Dr. Um joined Caterpillar Inc. as a research engineer. He brings over 10 years of engineering experience into classes at TAMUCC. Dr. Dugan Um has extensive experience in the recruitment and training of undergraduate students, particularly underrepresented students such as Hispanics and women in the Engineering programs at TAMUCC.