Performance Indicators

Program-level Learning Outcome Performance Indicators

1. Apply principles of computing and other related disciplines to identify, implement, and evaluate solutions for complex computing problems.

PI-1.1. Identify requirements and computing problems.

PI-1.2. Explore and investigate appropriate algorithms or data structures for solutions.

2. Communicate effectively and collaborate productively with team members of diverse backgrounds.

PI-2.1. Demonstrate professional oral skills on project presentations in front of classmates and professors.

PI-2.2. Demonstrate professional written skills for project report.

3. Function effectively as a member or a leader of a team engaged in activities appropriate to the program's discipline.

PI-3.1. Achieve team-assigned tasks.

PI-3.2. Listen and communicates in team settings.

4. Uphold their sense of professional ethics and responsibilities towards individuals, organizations, and society.

PI-4.1. Be aware of professional codes of ethics such as developed by ACM or IEEE-CS.

PI-4.2. Be able to apply a code of ethics and legal principles to make an informed decision in a computing practice.

5. Design, deploy, and secure an IT system and network infrastructure.

PI-5.1. Design and deploy IT services.

PI-5.2. Configure and secure network infrastructure.

6. Audit, identify, close, and control potential security vulnerabilities throughout an organization.

PI-6.1. Differentiate and analyze different types of malware.

PI-6.2. Check software security and code security.

7. Perform reconnaissance to gather information to breach security of an organization.

PI-7.1. Use reconnaissance methods against a computer system or network.

8. Apply penetration testing procedures to exploit vulnerable systems and configure firewalls and IDS to secure network systems.

PI-8.1. Apply penetration testing methods.

PI-8.2. Configure firewalls and intrusion detection systems.

9. Use network monitoring tools to monitor devices and services (e.g., routers, switches, firewalls, servers, and VMs) for availability, performance, and faults.

PI-9.1. Perform vulnerability scan of devices and services.

PI-9.2. Analyze vulnerability scan of devices and services.