Texas A&M University Corpus Christi STEM Operation Success (SOS)

Texas A&M University Corpus Christi STEM Operation Success (SOS)

Mission: This SOS program is a seamless pipeline to increase the number of first-generation, low-income, and traditionally underrepresented STEM students, including nursing, medical sciences, and kinesiology majors, who enroll in and complete college within four years.

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SOS Staff & Program Information

Vision: Inspire innovation in STEM and financial education through a Collegiate STEM Institute, family engagement, iGRAD platform, and the development of STEM learning commons.
Staff Contact & Program Information

Collegiate STEM Institute

Click here to find out more about the CSI Summer Bridge Program.
Collegiate STEM Institute

Faculty iGrad Embedding

Faculty? Click here to find out how you can embed the iGrad program in your course(s).
Faculty & Staff


Click here to be redirected to the TAMUCC iGrad page. If you have any questions please contact: Alberto Hernandez at 361.825.4011 Alberto.Hernandez@tamucc.edu

Department of Ed

Click here to find out more about Hispanic Serving Institutions (HSI) information.
What Is an HSI


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Supplemental Instruction (SI)

Need some help? Check out these helpful resources provided by SOS!
Supplemental Instruction


STEM Operation Success (SOS) Strategic Plan Data 2023
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TAMUCC - SOS Collegiate STEM Institute

The Collegiate STEM Institute (CSI) is a 4-week summer program that takes recent High School Graduates that will be attending TAMUCC as well as Transfer Students; and prepare them for their journey into their college career. We expose our students to a first-hand experience into the college environment as well as educate them on financial literacy. This program serves to get our students college ready by the end of the summer.

Check This Out! CSI Summer 2022

Check This Out! CSI Summer 2022

Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi (TAMU-CC) received funding through the Hispanic Serving Institution (HSI) Title V for our STEM Operation Success Program (SOS) which includes a summer bridge titled Collegiate STEM Institute (CSI). CSI provides underserved high school graduates as well as transfer STEM students that will be attending TAMU-CC as freshmen or sophomore transfers experiences to prepare them for their journey into university life. We expose our students to firsthand experiences into the TAMU-CC STEM environment as well as educate them on financial literacy for financial success. CSI student experiences include Gulf of Mexico field work, laboratory experiments, service experience and STEM lectures. The CSI video provides a broader view of the summer program. The major goal of CSI is retention and graduation from TAMU-CC. CSI is the pipeline for Hispanic underserved students to enter STEM careers after graduation.

SOS CSI 2022 HSI Student Summer Experience