- One article of "Development of aperture total internal reflection (A-TIR) for microdroplet and fingerprinting characterization" is published in Optics COmmunications (IF: 1.931), 453, 124414, 2019.
- Dr. Kim delivered one oral presentation at 2018 IMECE/ASME in Pittsburg with the title of "Full-field measurement of ultra-thin liquid film thickness using surface plasmon resonance".
- Dr. Kim delivered an invited talk of "Surface plasmonic imaging and quantitative plasmonic applications" at 2018 Nano-SMAT, USA, South Padre Island, 2018.
- One article is published with the title of "Investigating the mechanical and optical properties of thin PDMS film by flat-punched indentation" Optical Materials (IF: 2.320) 85, 153-161, 2018.
- One article is published with the title of "Full-field thickness measurement of ultrathin liquid film in receding contact-induced nano-channel using surface plasmon resonance, Optics Express (IF: 3.356) 26, 20975, 2018.
- Dr. Kim presented a talk of "Stress-induced optical property detection" at UKC 2017 conference.
- One article is published with the title of "Experimental verification of epsilon-near-zero plasmon polariton modes in degenerately doped semiconductor nanolayers". Optics Express (IF: 3.307) 24, 18782, 2016.
- 17th International symposium on flow visualization will be held in Getlinburg, TN, June 19-22 where Dr. Kim will serve as a co-organizer.
- Dr. Kim was recently awarded a research grant ($ 460,000) from CEKO, Ltd. as a PI for 3 years to develop three-diemnsional surface plasmon resonance (SPR) imaigng technique
- Dr. Kim presented a talk about “Evaporation induced property change and hidden cavity formation”, at Techconnect World Innovation Conference 2015.
- Dr. Kim delivered an invited talk with the title of "Label-free and in-situ visualization using surface plasmon resonance imaging" at 3-D printing and digital rock physics sponsored by Sandia National Lab, which took place at Santa Fe, New Mexico, Aug. 2015.
- Dr. Kim published a research article in the journal of "Materials (Impact factor: 2.6)" published by MDPI. The paper title is Nano sensing and energy conversion using surface plasmon resonance.
- Dr Kim presented an oral presentation at ASME-JSME-KSME (AJK) Joint Fluids Engineering 2015 conference (July 26-31) with the title of "In-situ visualization of evaporation induced self-assembly phenomena of nanofluids".
- Dr. Kim presented an invited talk at 13th International Nanotech Symposium & Nano-Convergence Expo, NANO KOREA 2015, July 1-3, 2015 in recognition of his research achievemnt in the filed of nanoscicence and technology. (