A&M-Corpus Christi Hosts Fourth Annual School and University Partnership Conference for Education
CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas – Equipped with the theme of “Revitalizing Professional Practice,” the College of Education and Human Development (COEHD) at Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi held its fourth annual SUPCE: School and University Partnership Conference for Education on April 13. The half-day conference provides a venue for professional development of in-service and aspiring teachers as well as Island University and regional school district members to improve learning tactics for educators. It is also one of the many ways A&M-Corpus Christi supports the We Teach Texas campaign.
“This conference is part of our plan to remain ahead of the game when developing and effectively preparing new educators,” said Dr. David Scott, COEHD Dean. “Enhanced and intentional partnerships through SUPCE as well as other outreach activities leads to shared wisdom and knowledge among our faculty, students, and school district teachers and administrators in ways that benefit all.”
Dr. Carmen Tejeda-Delgado, Associate Professor of Teacher Education at Texas A&M-Corpus Christi and Dr. Frank Lucido, A&M-Corpus Christi Interim Associate Dean of COEHD Undergraduate Studies, kicked off the conference by welcoming attendees from over 15 school district partnerships across the Coastal Bend. Participants then listened intently as James Crenshaw, Flour Bluff High School Principal, gave a keynote address focusing on teachers as front-line responders for students in emotional crisis.
“Mr. Crenshaw helped to illustrate the importance of not only preparing our future teachers to meet the academic needs of their students, but perhaps equally as important will be how they are prepared and able to identify, address and respond to the emotional, social and psychological needs many of our students are dealing with today,” Tejada-Delgado said.
SUPCE also offered opportunities for networking, professional development, and hands-on activities. Breakout sessions included “Gaming with a Purpose,” “Get Googl-ED,” and “Building a Place for All!” along with various roundtable discussions.
“One of SUPCE’s goals is to bring partnership educators from varying levels to together in a third space to share ideas/strategies, discuss what worked and what didn’t work, explore new technological possibilities and through it all make one another stronger, better, and more prepared to meet the needs of a diverse and creative population of students,” Tejada-Delgado said.
Virginia Hernandez and Luz Romero, both music education majors, gave a presentation titled “The Importance of Music Education in Public Schools.”
“We gave examples like building a musical rap for learning the periodic table and adding in rhymes to learn math equations,” Hernandez said. “The dynamic within the group was awesome and it was a great feeling to influence teachers who have been in the classroom for 20 years to consider using music in their lessons, and also share how music benefits core curriculum classes and SAT scores.”
As SUPCE continues to flourish, the goal is for University partnerships to also continue to grow toward a bright and promising future for all students.
“The Island University’s Educator Preparation Program believes wholeheartedly in the reciprocity of teaching and learning,” Tejada-Delgado said, “and SUPCE along with the system-wide initiative, We Teach Texas, is helping us achieve that goal.”
Additional Information
Many thanks to the SUPCE planning committee:
Dr. Carmen Tejeda-Delgado (TAMU-CC), SUPCE Chair; Dr. Frank Lucido (TAMU-CC), SUPCE Co-Chair; Dr. Sal Alvarado (Flour Bluff ISD), Brandon Chandler (Gregory-Portland ISD); Dr. Sue Elwood (TAMU-CC); Ms. Mari Gonzalez (TAMU-CC), Administrative Professional; Ms. Susane Horne (TAMU-CC), Administrative Professional; Dr. Robin Johnson (TAMU-CC); Dr. Kathleen Lynch-Davis (TAMU-CC); Dr. Alissa Mejia (TAMU-CC), Communications Specialist; Ms. Kimberly Moore (West Oso ISD); Ms. Cindy Perez (Corpus Christi ISD), Dr. Phyllis Robertson (TAMU-CC); Dr. Victoria Smith (TAMU-CC), Donation Coordinator; Dr. Lucinda Sohn (TAMU-CC), Session Coordinator; & Ms. Rose Zuniga (TAMU–CC), Certification Coordinator.