Wes Jamison: Spotlight on "Carrion" (2024)

Wes Jamison reading

Wes Jamison is the author of and Melancholia (Essay Press, 2016) and is a noted author in Best American Essays. They earned an MFA in nonfiction from Columbia College Chicago and a PhD in English from the University of Louisiana at Lafayette. They currently teach at Del Mar College in Corpus Christi, TX. 

Wes Jamison original headshot

Wes Jamison self-describes as a Queer Chicago writer living in Texas, mostly writing about things falling from the sky, bodies, bodies that fall from the sky, and millennial abjections. Visit their website.

Their latest book, Carrion, is available June 4, 2024 from Red Hen Press. You can purchase it through this link or by visiting Jamison's website. 
Carrion (2024) was awarded the 2021 Quill Prose Award and has received advanced praise: 
Carrion by Wes Jamison book cover

"To dare to sink into darkness, to dare to stare straight into the sun, to dare to build a structure that will take one far from fear but also bliss—these are the ways in which Wes Jamisoninscribes a body and soul into being. With deep philosophical plunges and transformative flights of linguistic consideration and fancy, Carrion soars right into the sun. In Jamison's insightful prose, they take us so close to disaster that we hear the singe and feel the burn."

— Jenny Boully, author of Betwixt-and-Between 


Jamison will be reading from "Carrion" on July 18, 2024 at the PRIDE Corpus Christi Poetry Night and Open Mic. The reading takes place at the Art Museum of South Texas @6pm in the HEB Theatre next to the vendors. The event is free to view and participate. 

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