The ADA: Protections and Best Practices for the Workplace
11:00 - 11:45 a.m.
UC Lone Star 142A
Presenter: Marina Guerra, Islander alumna and EEOC Outreach & Education Coordinator, Houston District
With disability claims on the rise with the EEOC, it is important to understand rights, roles and responsibilities for remaining in compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) in the workplace. In this session we will discuss the EEOC’s ADA guidance and best practices for fostering inclusive and compliant workplaces. View the ADA presentation slides.
Reduce Speed, Intersection Ahead: Avoiding Collisions between Financial, Professional and Personal Conflicts of Interest
11:00 - 11:45 a.m.
UC Bayview 320
Presenter: Wanese Butler, Financial Conflict of Interest and Export Control Officer
This session provides Conflict of Interest (COI) awareness training to avoid collisions between financial, professional, and personal interests. Take this pit stop in your day to get a refill of COI related material for the right turns towards compliance. Learn how to brake for oncoming COI traffic and when external personal interests intersect with internal job and university interests. View the COI presentation slides.
Free Speech: With Freedom Comes Responsibility
12:00 - 1:00 p.m.
UC Lone Star 142A
Presenter: Lisa Perez, Associate Vice President for Student Support and Dean of Students
In this presentation, we will look at what free speech is, gain an understanding of what it means, and explore your role and responsibility as employees of the university. In addition, we will review several cases that have occurred on campuses and discuss how to address similar situations.
Panel Discussion with University Policy Department (UPD): Define the Elements of a Crime
12:00 - 1:00 p.m.
UC Bayview 320
A panel discussion with UPD on how they gather just the facts. Learn about the essential elements that need be present to investigate a criminal act.