Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi is committed to making its websites, other digital content, and electronic and information resources accessible to all users per 29.01.04.C0.01 Electronic and Information Resources (EIR) Accessibility. This is a process that works in tandem with improvements in technology. An Electronic and Information Resources Accessibility Coordinator (EIRAC) is designated to oversee the Accessibility Program's progress at each Texas university.
Initiated project to improve IT accessibility review processes.
Initiated project to migrate the captioning services into the Service Portal.
Hired a student worker to assist in the Digital Accessibility Office.
Complete the first phase of the website redesign project and began accessibility remediation on the new website template.
Complete pilot programs with captioning services providers and began adjusting guidance on captioning services implementation.
Complete final draft of new basic document accessibility remediation course for TrainTraq "7 Steps to a Better Document."
Complete final draft updated basic website accessibility remediation course in TrainTraq “2114184: 7 Steps to a Better Website.” The instructions are aligned with the website redesign.
Collaborate on improving the IT (EIR) acquisition or procurement review process to become more streamlined.
Complete first phase of website redesign project with the launch of the new design.
Finalize two pilot programs with captioning services providers and improving captioning processes.
Launch TAMU-CC overall accessibility awareness course in TrainTraq “2114261 : Digital Accessibility Awareness.”
Continue two pilot programs with captioning services providers and improving captioning processes.
Implement combined IT Policy Exception Request.
Beta test system-wide version of the Digital Accessibility Awareness course. Review feedback to make improvements before a proposed Spring 2021 launch.
Draft and review captioning services guidelines and initialize two pilot programs with captioning services vendors.
Propose combined IT Policy Exception Request to address exceptions for accessibility, security, privacy, and other IT policies for a more streamlined, trackable, and understandable process.
Launch Blackboard Ally on all online courses to assist faculty with scanning and improving accessibility on their content and provide students with alternative formats of course materials for more personalized learning experiences.
Soft launch basic website accessibility remediation course in TrainTraq “2114184: 7 Steps to a Better Website.”
Develop inclusive and interactive components for system-wide Digital Accessibility Awareness course. Currently approved for adoption at TAMU-CC when it is soft launched in Fall 2020.
Research best practices and guidelines for using captioning services, particularly with the shift to more remote working and learning environments.
61.99.99.C0.04, Social Media Guidelines approved, which includes responsibilities and training opportunities for social media coordinators to provide accessible social content.
33.05.02.C0.01, Required Training for Employees and Affiliates approved, which includes requirements for role-based training for employees.
Digital Accessibility Awareness for review and consideration for adoption system-wide. Currently approved for adoption at TAMU-CC.
IT acquisitions submitted through various channels (e.g. IslanderBuy, procurement cards) are moving into the IT review funnel before approval.
Launch online form for accessibility exception requests to improve workflow tracking and better streamline the IT acquisition process
Implement and improve an inventory for tracking accessibility of all EIR / IT acquisitions, including online subscription databases and websites
Propose policy to require a digital accessibility awareness course for all employees and role-based courses for employees with specific duties
Start regular communications with faculty on accessibility techniques (e.g. monthly newsletter, A-DRC: Academic Digital Resource Center)
Initiate a Community of Practice for Digital Accessibility & Inclusive Instruction (CoP: DAI2) with faculty
Initiate web redesign project for modernizing the official website template and improving its accessibility, both in the template and the authoring tool
Complete first collaborative awareness program through Employee Development Day, the Digital Accessibility Experience Lab (DAEL), where employees experience assistive technology (AT) and learn techniques for closing the gaps to using AT
Publish the IT Accessibility website to include resources for employees and vendors on accessibility guidelines (by EIR type or component and by WCAG principle), what are accommodations and assistive technology used by people with disabilities, and the accessibility program plan and progress
Start collecting monthly reports of online courses accessibility through our enterprise scanning solution
Refine IT acquisition processes, in general, to include online forms for intake questions and accessibility exception requests; launch online form for intake questions
Submit two courses into TrainTraq, for (1) Digital Accessibility Awareness and (2) Basic Website Accessibility Remediation, to start trackable awareness and role-based training
Research "train the trainer" opportunities for (1) faculty maintaining online courses and (2) staff regularly developing or maintaining electronic documents
Attend the Chancellor's Symposium on Accessibility to determine future plans to improve accessibility in academia
Add Accessibility Exception Form to the queue for converting into an online form, to improve workflow and tracking
Draft Training Plan for the next two years to include trackable courses for employees, specific to their duties
Update the ADA complaint process on the Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi to be more explicit regarding the reporting procedures
Draft ADA complaint process with regard to EIR accessibility compliance
Enter into The Texas A&M University System's contract to scan all websites using an enterprise solution
Hire a full-time and on-campus Electronic and Information Resources Accessibility Coordinator to oversee the Accessibility Program Plan
Refine the Accessibility Review process for purchasing EIR
Create a template for reviewing Accessibility Conformance Reports (ACR), or a completed Voluntary Product Accessibility Template (VPAT), provided by vendors
Start collecting monthly reports of web accessibility through our enterprise scanning solution
Create an Accessibility Exception Form to use in the approval for purchasing of EIR
Create a Risk Factor calculator to assess the risk of purchasing inaccessible EIR and better prioritizing the review of purchased EIRs ex post facto
Review 29.01.04.C0.01, Electronic and Information Resources (EIR) Accessibility to ensure currency
Research methods for scanning online courses for accessibility compliance and reporting
Designate an Electronic and Information Resources Accessibility Coordinator
Create the Electronic and Information Resources Accessibility Committee (EIRA Committee) to meet regularly regarding current issues in compliance at A&M - Corpus Christi
Draft Accessibility Program Plan
Start discussions on how to include accessibility reviews in purchasing EIR
Draft Accessibility section in IT Contract Addendum for purchasing EIR
Create priority tiers for reviewing purchased EIRs ex post facto
Start inventory of all EIRs purchased
Report progress to the State of Texas biennially
Ongoing and Future Plans
The following list includes projects and initiatives across Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi for improving accessibility and inclusiveness of all university business.
ICT/IT Repository: Collect all information and communications technology acquisitions used at TAMU-CC for university business. This will allow us to analyze risk and priorities for accessibility compliance.
IT Work Intake Process: Improve the workflow process for taking in IT acquisition requests for review across all appropriate IT areas.
Projects aligning with ADA Title II updates: TAMU-CC will be looking at ways to bring web content, digital course content, and social media content into conformance with WCAG 2.1 AA.