Student Success Council

Purpose or Function: The Student Success Council will analyze data (e.g., retention, withdrawal, time to degree, program and course completion success rates, campus climate, student satisfaction, etc.) and recommend to President's Cabinet strategies to improve retention and graduation rates. Recognizing that retention improves as the quality of student learning and student life is enhanced, the council will also recommend long-range strategies to address the ongoing needs of all students. The Student Success Council will partner with other campus constituencies in addressing the action items outlined below.

  • Analyze and communicate retention data and best practices across the university
  • Share ideas and initiate conversations on issues contributing to retention (e.g., advising processes, student engagement)
  • Recommend the implementation of programs for identifiable target groups
  • Foster curricular and co-curricular activities that provide opportunities for student-student interactions as well as for faculty-student interactions (e.g., teaching excellence, peer mentoring, research projects, outreach initiatives, clubs)
  • Evaluate institutional practices and procedures as they pertain to the retention of students

Membership: The council is chaired by the Associate Vice President for Student Success as a voting ex-officio member.  The remaining membership of the Student Success Council reflects the understanding that faculty, staff, and students play vital roles in creating opportunities for positive student interactions, experiences, and outcomes.  The membership includes representatives from the following areas: Mary and Jeff Bell Library, Student Engagement & Success, Enrollment Management, Information Technology, Department Chairs Council, Academic Colleges/Schools (Assistant Dean/Director or Associate Dean/Director appointed by the Provost), Athletics, Institutional Advancement, and International Student Programs and Support. These representatives are appointed by the area supervisor for renewable, staggered 2-year terms.  The council also includes appointed representatives from Staff Council, Faculty Senate, and Student Government Association serving 1-year, renewable terms.  The following voting ex-officio members are on the council: Director of Student Success Data and Technology, University Registrar, Associate Vice President of Planning, Analytics, Institutional Research, and Strategic Initiatives, Director of Career and Professional Development, Director of Academic Advising and Coaching, Executive Director of Collage Access and Outreach, Director of College Readiness and Academic Support, and Director of the University Counseling Center.

Chair(s): Associate Vice President for Student Success

Responsible University OfficialProvost and Vice President for Academic Affairs

Student Success Council Members
Name Unit Represented Term End

Andrew Johnson

Associate Vice President for Student Success (Interim Chair)


Patricia Hernandez

Mary and Jeff Bell Library

August 31, 2026

Lisa Perez

Student Engagement & Success

August 31, 2026

Rene Zamora

Enrollment Management

August 31, 2025

Monica Martinez

Information Technology

August 31, 2026

Chuck Etheridge

Department Chairs Council

August 31, 2026

David Gurney

Academic Colleges (Assoc/Asst Dean)

August 31, 2025

Eric Schultz


August 31, 2026

Susan La Torre

International Student Programs and Support

August 31, 2026

Elizabeth Rivera

Institutional Advancement

August 31, 2025

Lorena Newsome

Staff Council

May 31, 2025

Jeanine Birdwell

Faculty Senate

April 30, 2025

Maddy Elliott

Student Government Association

May 31, 2025

John Fortiscue

Director, Student Success Data and Technology


Melissa Chapa

University Registrar


Erin Mulligan-Nguyen

Associate Vice President, Planning, Analytics, Institutional Research, and Strategic Initiatives


Leslie Mills

Director, Career and Professional Development Center


Jessica Litz

Assistant Director, Academic Advising and Coaching


D'Angelo Sands

Executive Director, College Access and Outreach


Theresa Sharpe

Director, University Counseling Center


Rita Sperry

Director, College Readiness and Academic Support


Last Updated: 10/01/2024