Intercollegiate Athletics Council

Purpose or Function: The Intercollegiate Athletic Council serves as an advisory group to the university president as well as the liaison group between intercollegiate athletics and the academic leadership of the institution (e.g., Faculty Senate).

Membership: The President appoints council members other than ex-officio members. All appointments to the council shall be for a term of three (3) years, with the exception of the student members whose term will be for one (1) year and ex-officio members who have standing appointments. The appointed voting membership consists of the following: two (2) faculty members from each academic college/school; two (2) student members; an alumni representative; an Academic Affairs Representative; and a faculty athletic representative.  The voting ex-officio membership consists of: the Athletic Certification Officer; the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs, Executive Vice President for Research and Innovation, Vice President for Institutional Advancement, and Vice President for Finance and Administration or designee. The non-voting ex-officio membership includes the following: Vice President for Student Engagement and Success and Intercollegiate Athletics, Director of Recreational Sports, Vice President for Enrollment Management, Student-Athlete Advisory Committee President, and Student Government Association President. Additional non-voting representatives may be added.

Chair:  Appointed by the President

Responsible University Official: Vice President for Student Engagement and Success and Intercollegiate Athletics

Intercollegiate Athletics Council Members
Name Unit Represented Term End

Don Deis

Faculty Athletic Representative (Chair)

May 31, 2026

Catherine Rudowsky

Provost & Vice President for Academic Affairs (ex-officio)


Yolanda Castorena

Vice President for Finance and Administration, designee (ex-officio)


Ahmed Mahdy

Executive Vice President for Research and Innovation (ex-officio)


Jaime Nodarse Barrera

Vice President for Institutional Advancement (ex-officio)


Melissa Chapa

Athletics Certification (ex-officio)


Andrew Johnson

Academic Affairs

May 31, 2025

Ed Cantu


May 31, 2027

Alberto Santos

Student Athlete

May 31, 2027

Samantha Gibbs

Student Athlete

May 31, 2027

Veysel Avsar

College of Business

May 31, 2025

Colin Wooldridge

College of Business

May 31, 2026

Misty Kesterson

College of Education & Human Development

May 31, 2027

Liana Davis

College of Education & Human Development

May 31, 2027

Carlos Huerta

College of Liberal Arts

May 31, 2027

Jimena Burnett

College of Liberal Arts

May 31, 2026

Cathy Harrel

College of Nursing & Health Science

May 31, 2026

Brenda Buckner

College of Nursing & Health Science

May 31, 2025

Hyangim Ji

College of Science

May 31, 2027

Ingo Pecher

College of Science

May 31, 2026

Jose Baca

College of Engineering and Computer Science

May 31, 2025

Aref Mazloum

College of Engineering and Computer Science

May 31, 2027

Kellie Smith

School of Arts, Media, & Communication

May 31, 2026

Caleb Pickering

School of Arts, Media, & Communication

May 31, 2026


Non-voting Members

Adrian Rodriguez

Vice President for Student Engagement and Success and Intercollegiate Athletics (ex-officio)


Kevin Martin

Director of Recreational Sports (ex-officio)


Brenda Harms

Vice President for Enrollment Management (ex-officio) - Interim


Kate Brockman

Student-Athlete Advisory Committee President (ex-officio)


Andrea Hinojosa

Student Government Association President (ex-officio)


Jennifer Baker

Director, Athletic Academic Services


Joseph Hayen

Director, Disability Services


Craig Shaw

Associate Athletic Director for Business Operations


Eric Schultz

Deputy Athletic Director for Internal Operations


Jennifer Roland

Deputy Athletic Director for External Relations/SWA


Denise Housler



John LaRue

Chief Compliance Officer


Amanda Amaro

Athletics, Executive Administrative Associate


Last Updated: 10/08/2024