Council of Principal Investigators and Research Administrators
Purpose or Function: The Council of Principal Investigators and Research Administrators (CPIRA) consists of individuals elected to represent principal investigators (PIs) and research administrators from members of the Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi research community. The council is committed to the continued improvement of the research environment for students, faculty, and staff. Specifically, CPIRA and the faculty and staff it represents, endeavor to work with administration to provide an effective and efficient university organization and to achieve the goal of being nationally recognized and competitive in research, other sponsored activities, and teaching. CPIRA's goals are to (1) serve as a conduit between the administration and the research community; (2) identify and provide solutions to issues affecting the research enterprise; (3) meet regularly with administrators via an executive committee; and (4) serve on committees, task forces, and advisory groups addressing issues affecting the research community. CPIRA meets monthly or as needed to address specific issues concerning the research and graduate environments on campus. Appropriate recommendations are discussed with and implemented through appropriate organizations or administrative offices.
Membership: Members of CPIRA are elected PIs and Co-PIs and appointed research administrators from the academic colleges/schools, centers, institutes, and other university departments representing the TAMU-CC research community. As such, it is the responsibility of CPIRA members to maintain an effective dialogue with their constituents. A representative from Faculty Senate will also serve as a non-voting member of CPIRA for a one-year renewable term starting May 1. It is suggested that this person be an eligible constituent of CPIRA. The CPIRA coordinator serves as a non-voting ex-officio member and facilitates administrative duties of the council. Ad hoc members may be invited by the chair of CPIRA for renewable, 1-year terms without voting rights. Representation excludes those who are primarily administrators such as Vice Presidents, Deans, Directors, and Department Chairs. An exception to this restriction may be granted by the Chair of CPIRA on a case-by-case basis.
Unless otherwise noted above, membership on CPIRA shall be for a three-year term, to coincide with TAMU-CC’s fiscal year, starting September 1 and ending August 31. No member may be elected to serve more than six (6) consecutive years. Additional information about CPIRA membership can be found on the CPIRA website at
Chair: This position is filled by the Vice-Chair from the previous fiscal year. Nominations for Vice Chair are solicited from CPIRA members after completion of annual CPIRA elections. The Vice Chair is elected by the CPIRA members annually.
Responsible University Official: Executive Vice President for Research and Innovation
Name | Unit Represented | Term End |
Jennifer Epley |
College of Liberal Arts (Chair) |
August 31, 2025 |
Faye Bruun |
College of Education & Human Development (Vice Chair) |
August 31, 2026 |
Peggy Valdes |
Center for Academic Student Achievement |
August 31, 2027 |
Erin Hill |
Center for Coastal Studies |
August 31, 2026 |
Oliver Cruz-Milan |
College of Business |
August 31, 2027 |
Ahmed Kamara |
College of Business |
August 31, 2027 |
Debra Plowman |
College of Education & Human Development |
August 31, 2025 |
Ruby Mehrubeoglu |
College of Engineering and Computer Science |
August 31, 2027 |
Pablo Rangel |
College of Engineering and Computer Science |
August 31, 2027 |
Shannon Fitzsimmons-Doolan |
College of Liberal Arts |
August 31, 2025 |
Amy McClure |
College of Nursing & Health Sciences |
August 31, 2027 |
Heather DeGrande |
College of Nursing & Health Sciences |
August 31, 2025 |
Feiqin Xie |
College of Science |
August 31, 2025 |
Yajuan Lin |
College of Science |
August 31, 2026 |
Mark Olson |
College of Science |
August 31, 2026 |
Jordan Greer |
College of Science - Research Administrator |
August 31, 2025 |
Jennifer Garza-Cuen |
School of Arts, Media, & Communication |
August 31, 2027 |
Sining Kong |
School of Arts, Media, & Communication |
August 31, 2027 |
Devon Steffan |
Conrad Blucher Institute |
August 31, 2027 |
Tianxing Chu |
Conrad Blucher Institute |
August 31, 2025 |
Michael Starek |
Conrad Blutcher Institute |
August 31, 2026 |
DeAnna Crites |
Conrad Blucher Institute - Research Administrator |
August 31, 2027 |
Matthew Streich |
Harte Research Institute |
August 31, 2025 |
Jim Gibeaut |
Harte Research Institute |
August 31, 2025 |
Mark Besonen |
Harte Research Institute |
August 31, 2027 |
Jessica Parra |
Harte Research Institute - Research Administrator |
August 31, 2027 |
Samuel Sugarek |
Center for Coastal Studies |
August 31, 2027 |
Anna Gongora |
Research and Innovation - Research Administrator |
August 31, 2027 |
Trent Thigpen |
Research Engagement |
August 31, 2025 |
Tye Payne |
Autonomy Research Institute |
August 31, 2025 |
Vacant |
Mary and Jeff Bell Library |
August 31, 2025 |
Taoran Ji |
Faculty Senate (non-voting) |
April 30, 2025 |
Olga Gil Barrientos |
CPIRA Coordinator (ex-officio) |
N/A |
Last Updated: 12/02/2024