Historically Underutilized Business Committee

Purpose or Function: The Historically Underutilized Business (HUB) Committee assists the university in developing and implementing the HUB Performance Improvement Plan.  The committee assists the HUB coordinators with input, ideas, communication, and implementation of HUB programs.

Membership: The committee consists of a representative from each division appointed by the respective vice president and a representative from each of the following areas appointed by the supervisor: Procurement & Disbursements, Contracts & Property, and Facilities. The committee also includes a faculty representative recommended by Faculty Senate and appointed by their dean/director. These representatives serve two-year renewable terms. Staff Council will appoint a representative for a 1-year renewable term. The HUB Coordinator serves as a voting ex-officio member.

Chair: The Procurement & Disbursements Director

Responsible University Official: Vice President for Finance & Administration

Historically Underutilized Business Committee Members
Name Unit Represented Term End

Will Hobart

Procurement & Disbursements Director (Chair)


Christine Hagen

Student Engagement and Success

August 31, 2025

Neftali Rivera

Finance & Administration

August 31, 2025

Chris Giles

Enrollment Management

August 31, 2025

Risha Dulip

Academic Affairs

August 31, 2026

Margaret MacDonald

Institutional Advancement

August 31, 2024

Cassondra Casanova

Institutional Excellence

August 31, 2025

Tuan Phung

Research and Innovation

August 31, 2025

Deb Zentmire

Contracts & Property

August 31, 2024

Chris Osuch

Facilities (SSC)

August 31, 2025

Jason Heavilin

Faculty Member

August 31, 2025

Desiree Hofstetter

Staff Council

May 31, 2025

Ruben Gonzalez

HUB Coordinator (ex-officio)


Last Updated: 07/25/2024