Dr. Elwin Myers


Ph.D. Business Education: Arizona State University, 1983
BA History, University of Southern California, 1974

Joined the faculty in 1998

  • Research Interests: Business Writing, Employment Communication, Social Media Communication, Business Ethics.
  • Teaching Interests: Business Communication, Business Ethics.


Dr. Myers taught high school and worked at a community college in California before moving to Texas in 1983. In addition to teaching courses at the Island University, he served as the Associate Dean of the College of Business for five years. He has served as faculty advisor for the Chinese Student Association, Baptist Student Ministries, Phi Beta Lambda, and the Fantasy Football Club. Before joining the College of Business at TAMU-CC, he was a business professor at Howard Payne University in Brownwood, Texas.

Selected Publications

  • Student and Faculty Perceptions on the Frequency and Severity of Ten Types of Plagiarism in iParadigms’ Plagiarism Spectrum, TBTEA Journal (2017).
  • Adapting the Fuji Film Instax Product Line for an American Audience vis Advertising, Proceedings from Society for Advancement of Management International Management Conference (2017).
  • Monitoring Social Media Consumer Review Sites. Texas Medical Group Management Association eNewsletter (2016).
  • Collecting, Creating, & Marketing Research Direct Mail Sales Letters, In Lamb, Hair, McDaniel’s MKTG--10th edition instructors’ manual, Chapter 9, "Marketing Research," (2016). 


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