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Verification is a process used to verify the accuracy of certain information you entered on your FAFSA. Some students are selected for verification by the U.S. Department of Education, while others are selected by our university. If you are selected for verification, you will need to provide specific documentation before any money can be disbursed to you. The sooner you verify your information, the sooner you'll be able to receive the aid you're eligible for.

Why was I selected for verification?
You can be selected for verification for any number of reasons, but some of the more common reasons are:

  • You were selected randomly.
  • The FAFSA you submitted has incomplete data.
  • The information you provided on your FAFSA contradicts itself.
  • Your FAFSA contains estimated information.

I've been selected for verification? What do I do?
If you've been selected for verification, you should examine your Student Aid Report (SAR) for any messages from the Department of Education. You will need to collect copies of the documents that our office requests, which may include a Marriage Certificate, a Social Security Card, an Alien Registration Card, and any Federal Tax Forms. The type of documents required will vary from student to student, and not all students selected for FAFSA verification will have to submit the same documents. Once you have collected all the required documents, you will need to submit them, along with the appropriate Institutional Verification Worksheet (below), to the Office of Student Financial Assistance. Do not turn in any documentation that was not requested. For example, if you turn in too many tax schedules and it shows information that the FAFSA has not asked for, our office will be obligated to use that additional information in calculating need. Only turn in what is requested.

Institutional Verification Worksheet

This form must be submitted (with all supporting documentation) by a student who has been selected for verification on their FAFSA.

If you are selected for FAFSA verification, you need to return the information and requested documentation as soon as possible. Processing usually takes two to three weeks, but it can take longer during the peak season. Because verification must be completed in advance of disbursing any money from any financial aid program, it is vital to send complete and correct information as quickly as possible.

IRS Tax Return Transcript

What happens if there are confirmed discrepancies in my FAFSA?

After you turn in all required documentation, our office will compare the information with your SAR. If we find any mistakes, we will make the necessary corrections and revise your award amounts if necessary.

Above all else, don't be upset because you were selected for verification. This is a process that is required by the federal government. The Financial Aid Office may even discover errors in your report that could actually increase your eligibility for more aid.

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