
Texas A&M University - Corpus Christi's weekly student email newsletter.

iNews is created by the Division of Student Engagement and Success to inform TAMU-CC students of important news, announcements and upcoming events. Texas A&M-Corpus Christi students will receive iNews weekly via email if you have your current email listed on your SAIL account.


Faculty and staff who would like to receive the iNews email may subscribe by sending an email request to  


To submit items for publication to iNews, contact


Below are the submission guidelines, including the weekly deadline.   If you have any questions or need assistance, please contact us.


iNews Submission Guidelines: 

1 - iNews submissions are due to the email by NOON on Wednesday for Thursday distribution.

2 - Graphics are the preferred method of submission.  Students respond to the graphics better than simply text.  Please send us a link to the website you'd like your graphic linked to.  Feel free to include additional information on your website.

3- Graphics should be jpg images no larger than 500K and 600px wide

4 - Inclusion will be limited to 2 weeks.  If you have ongoing programs, please submit updated graphics for each program.  Students are missing events by seeing outdated events, even if there are multiple events listed on a graphic.

5 - Ongoing notices or services may be re-submitted once each month for the two week limit. 

6 - The informational links on the right side of the email may stay up as long as current, on a space available basis.

7 - Only events directly sponsored by a University department or organization will be included. Off campus events will only be listed is directly sponsored by a University department.

8- For accessibility, please include your prefered Alt Text for you image.


Questions regarding items within iNews should be directed to the contact listed on the event or news notice.